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Why Coaching?
Coaching's not for everyone. But if you know you would benefit from the guidance, accountability and support detailed below, then our Coaching is for you:
Coaching with us means having an experienced Mens Only or Ladies Only Coach (Personal Trainer with many years of experience) taking the time to understand you in relation to your goals, barriers and pitfalls.
We interact with you through regular check-ins, private chats and support calls/videocalls when needed.
We have found the best way to secure results and longevity is to suggest different approaches to food and fitness for you to try, until we find the method that works best. No matter your committments - there is always a way.
We hold you accountable to deliver by monitoring your daily activity, exercise performance, weekly progress measurements and voluntary update photos and even have a little rivalry fun competing with you along the way.
We log your daily performance for analysis and review. This data builds a clearer picture of how you are getting on and enables us to guide you through your barriers to success and your pitfalls, helping us identify and navigate whatever is holding you back that you may otherwise not have noticed.
We understand falling short at times and how this can be a part of finding your groove or providing useful information for analysis. Our only ask is that you come ready to make the committments and consistently put in the work required to achieve your goals. We will guide, support and encourage you through the challenges that come.
You will find us firm, but fair. Starting you off wherever you currently are and then scaling our expectiations of you as far as you wish to go, as and when you are ready, never asking of you more than you are capable of.
Know that you will get out what you put in, so be ready to build discipline, consistency and be pushed towards your goals.
Our Coaching has a framework, developed over time to produce the best results in the majority of clients. We recommend our clients invest in the inexpensive basics required for a weight loss or fitness journey (digital weighing scales, food scales, measuring tape and fitness tracker device). We also require that clients stay in touch, messaging, syncing devices regularly and sending expected data in accodance with an agreed schedule. We strongly recommend working this way for the best chance of success.
However, this is your journey and if you require it, this framework can be totally flexible. Hence, our coaching is suitable for everyone.
We hope you see what we believe to be the huge value of coaching with us and recognise the vast amount of work and time required behind the scenes by your Personal Trainer/Coach to fulfill your coaching.
We currently have Coaching on promotion at £99 per month for the next 10 male + 10 female clients that sign up.
That's less than many people spend on take away, restaurants and junk food every month. How serious are you about achieving your goals?
What's Included
Highly Experienced PT Coaches
Male Only & Female Only
Stay Accountable To Your Coach Every Day
Daily Exercise Tracking
Fitness Tracker 24/7 Exercise &
Calorie Burn Tracking
Home Workouts / Gym Workouts
Nutrition Tracking
Weight & Measurements Tracking
Interact With Your Coach
Ask Coach Questions
Phonecall/Videocall Support
Suitable For All Levels
No Gym Required
No Contract
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